Simplify eClinRO Management

Provide a simple, web-based application for sites to access,
complete, and manage assessments.

Announced 2023
Status EARLY
Customers 1-10

Veeva eClinRO (electronic Clinician Reported Outcomes) captures clinical measurements observed by a trained healthcare professional.

Sponsors manage the eClinROs through their own interface, and a central library allows them to reuse eClinROs across all their studies.

Sites have a single access point to manage their participants, complete eClinROs, and review study progress. They can also review ePRO data and compliance across all their studies within the system.

Once eClinROs are complete, the data flows back into the sponsor’s environment.

Why Veeva eClinRo

Improve site experience

  • Save time

    Manage eClinRO on any web-enabled device with a single login across all studies.
  • Simplify survey collection

    Streamline participant setup and eClinRO completion through optimized site workflows.
  • Monitor progress

    Enable real-time review of survey status and scoring for sites and CRAs.


Explore and learn

Don’t Forget Sites in the Move to BYOD
Read blog post
Simplify eClinRO management at site
Watch demo
Make taking part in a clinical trial more accessible and convenient
Watch demo

Interested in learning more about how Veeva can help?